LIX Vapes Canada

Did you know the best vape brand in Canada is delivering all over the country? So, go get your nicotine fix today from Lix Vapes

What to Do If You Don’t Like Your Vape Flavor?

Vapes are great definitely. But sometimes some flavors just don’t cut it. Usually, it comes down to personal preference. After all, we can’t all like the same flavors. So, what do you do if you just don’t like the flavor of your vape juice? Well, it kind of depends on whether it’s a new or…

What Does Tobacco Vape Really Taste Like?

The best vapes in Canada like LIX, have 99.9% pure nicotine which means they are free from tobacco. But then, what about tobacco vapes? No, tobacco vapes do not contain tobacco. They contain nicotine along with flavoring compounds that aim to replicate the charring taste of a tobacco cigarette. However, unlike a cigarette that burns…

Is Buying Cheap E-Liquid a Problem?

We’re always talking about the cleanest nicotine vapes in Canada but what happens if we go for a cheaper alternative? Honestly, how bad could it be, right? Well, wrong actually. You should consider that you’re taking the e-liquid inside your body which means that any potentially damaging constituent will directly affect your health. Therefore, buying…

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